
Tools to simplify working with multiple Python repositories by seamlessly integrating git and tox, where you can simply run one command instead of many native commands individually to do common tasks.

It is mostly a wrapper on top of existing tools with the end goal of providing a simple, seamless, and less repetive experience when working with one or more repositories. Feature support is mostly limited to what the author uses as, currently, it is foremost a personal tool to enhance the author’s own productivity, but sharing it as others might find it useful.


  • One tool to seamlessly manage / integrate all workspace tools, from setup to publish.
  • Simplified command execution for common workflow - just run one command, instead of many individual native ones.
  • Command execution is also smart / optimized - i.e. test command auto detects requirement changes to redevelop.
  • Path aware context commands that run across all checkouts - i.e. see status / diff for all repos.
  • Get the most out of other products by easily update your dependencies to the latest
  • Automatically install dependencies in editable mode for testing if configured
  • Templates included to setup new product quickly
  • Support for multiple branches with child/parent relationship.
  • Cool and sensible shortcut aliases to help you do more by typing less - you will love “tv” [if you know ag]!

Quick Start Tutorial

First, install it with:

$ pip install workspace-tools

Second, optionally setup environment with bash functions/aliases:

$ cd ~/workspace

$ wst setup --commands-with-aliases

[INFO] Added "ws" bash function with workspace directory set to ~/workspace
[INFO] Added bash functions: bump, checkout, clean, commit, log, publish, push, status, test, update
[INFO] Added aliases: co=checkout, ci=commit, di=diff, st=status, up=update
[INFO] Added special aliases: a='source .tox/${PWD##*/}/bin/activate', d='deactivate', tv='open_files_from_last_command'  # from ag/ack/grep/find/which [t]o [v]im
[INFO] To use, run "source ~/.wstrc" or open a new shell.

$ source ~/.wstrc

To go to your workspace directory (if setup was run), run:


To checkout a repo:

wst checkout

# Or checkout a group of repos as defined in workspace.cfg (using 'ws' alias from setup)
# ws checkout mzheng-repos

# Or checkout a repo from GitHub (using 'co' alias from setup above, or use 'wst checkout'):
# co workspace-tools                # Best match
# co maxzheng/workspace-tools       # Exact match

For more info about workspace.cfg, refer to Configuration doc.

The remaining tutorial will assume ‘wst setup’ was not run for the sake of clarity, though setup is recommended as there are many useful aliases provided.

To update all repos in your workspace concurrently:

wst update

Make a commit and create a new branch for it:

$ cd workspace-tools
# vi README.rst and make some changes

$ wst commit "Updated README.rst"

[updated-readme 0af8850] Updated README.rst
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

# The commit created the branch 'updated-readme@master', added all files, and then committed
# Notice the "@master" that indicates the parent branch. The parent branch will be used
# during push with --merge and update. To specify a different branch without parent relationship,
# use --branch option.

To install your test environment and test your change (with tox/py.test):

wst test

# To setup tox with test, style, and coverage environments, run:
# wst setup --product
# To check style or generate coverage report, run (using 'test' alias from setup):
# test style
# test cover

See status for all of your repos:

$ cd ~/workspace

$ wst status

[ bumper-lib ]
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   src/bumper/

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

[ clicast ]
# Branches: master display-changes@master fix-download@master

[ workspace-tools ]
# Branches: updated-readme@master master

See diff for all of your repos:

$ wst diff

[ bumper-lib ]
diff --git a/src/bumper/ b/src/bumper/
index d552c2c..2d7bd12 100644
--- a/src/bumper/
+++ b/src/bumper/
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class AbstractBumper(object):
    def requirements_for_changes(self, changes):
  -      Parse changes for requirements
  +      Parse changes for requirements.

         :param list changes:

And finally amend the change and push:

$ cd workspace-tools
# vi README.rst and make more changes

$ wst commit --amend --push

[updated-readme@master 738f659] Updated README.rst
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Pushing updated-readme@master

# It will fail at push as you are not a committer, but the change was committed to branch,
# and then merged into its parent branch (master).

Or simply push the change in your current branch:

wst push --merge

# This will update its parent branch (master), rebase branch with parent branch and merge into
# parent branch if on child branch (child@parent) and then push.
# Upon success, it will remove the local and remote branch if pushing from child branch.

If you have multiple upstream branches (defined by config [merge] branches) that you need to merge your change into, use auto merge:

# Assuming you are currently on 3.2.x branch and have these branches: 3.3.x, master
wst merge --all

[INFO] Merging 3.2.x into 3.3.x
[INFO] Pushing 3.3.x
[INFO] Merging 3.3.x into master
[INFO] Pushing master

If you have pinned your dependency requirements and want to update to latest version:

$ wst bump

[INFO] Updating workspace-tools
[INFO] Checking bumper-lib
[INFO] Checking requests
[bump ac06160] Require remoteconfig==0.2.4, requests==2.6.0
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

# Or bump a defined group of products as defined in workspace.cfg
# wst bump mzheng
# Or to a specific version (why not just vi? This validates the version for you and pulls in the changelog)
# wst bump requests==2.5.1

Now you are ready to try out the other commands yourself:

usage: wst [-h] [-v] [--debug] <sub-command> ...

optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --debug               Turn on debug mode

                        List of sub-commands
    bump                Bump dependency versions in requirements.txt,
                        pinned.txt, or any specified file.
    checkout (co)       Checkout products (repo urls) or revert files.
    clean               Clean workspace by removing build, dist, and .pyc
    commit (ci)         Commit all changes locally, including new files.
    diff (di)           Show diff on current product or all products in
    log                 Show commit logs
    merge               Merge changes from branch to current branch
    publish             Bumps version in (defaults to patch), writes
                        out changelog, builds a source distribution, and
                        uploads with twine.
    push                Push changes for branch
    setup               Optional (refer to setup --help). Setup workspace
                        environment. Run from primary workspace directory.
    status (st)         Show status on current product or all products in
    test                Run tests and manage test environments for product.
    update (up)         Update current product or all products in workspace