Main Entry Point

class workspace.controller.Commander

Tools to simplify workspace / scm management when working with multiple repositories.

It helps you do more with less work by seamlessly integrating all workspace tooling into one where you can simply run one command instead of many native commands individually to do common tasks.

  • Optionally setup workspace environment/shortcuts, run “wst setup -h” for options.
    • “wst setup -a” is recommended. :)
  • To checkout a product, run: wst checkout <git repository url> [<url2> …]
  • All commands are named appropriately for what they do, but see its –help for additional info.
  • For more info, read the docs at
classmethod command(name)

Get command class for name

classmethod commands()

Map of command name to command classes. Override commands to replace any command name with another class to customize the command.

run(name=None, **kwargs)

Run the command by name with given args.

  • name (str) – Name of command to run. If not given, this calls self._run()
  • kwargs – Args to pass to the command constructor

Sets up parsers for all commands